
GADriverTest subclass: #'GAStatementOptions' 


Please comment me using the following template inspired by Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) design:

For the Class part: State the name of the class with one line description: For example, I'm xxx the root of the hierarchy of visitor objects.

For the Responsibility part: Three sentences about my main responsibility, what I'm doing, what services do I offer.

For the Collaborators Part: State my main collaborators and one line about how I interact with them.

Public API and Key Messages

  • label item

One simple example is simply gorgeous.

Internal Representation and Key Implementation Points.

Implementation Points

Instance Method Details


| result statement generatedKey |
conn supportsRetrievingGeneratedKeys 
ifFalse: self skip ].

statement := conn createStatement: 'INSERT INTO student(username) VALUES ('guille')'.
result := statement execute.
generatedKey := result generatedKey.
self assert: generatedKey equals: 1